Do I Have to Test the Frontend Too?
Software testing is important in software development, right? Your project can’t be run unless all your unit and integration tests are written (and pass), but are you also testing the front end?
Software testing is important in software development, right? Your project can’t be run unless all your unit and integration tests are written (and pass), but are you also testing the front end?
There is a value in writing some tests and there is also a cost associated to software testing. The currency is time. The trade-offs are difficult to evaluate because the cost and value are often seen by different people. The writer of the test bears much of the short term …
This talk covers an overview of different levels/types of software testing but specifically looking at the value they provide to software developers and others maintaining software. We use this information to challenge some conventional thinking and re-balance how confidence in our software applications is gained without harming their ongoing maintenance.
UI Test Automation is notorious for stability issues. UI automation is almost synonymous with “Flaky Test”. This presentation discusses taking a proactive strategy towards test automation flakiness as opposed to a reactive approach where we look at failures and then decide the course of action.
When you move from a monolithic architecture towards a distributed microservices setup, it makes some things easier, but other things become harder. Software testing is one of those things that has a bit of both. Compared to a monolith, your tests probably have a lot more APIs they can access …
This presentation covers the theory behind mutation testing and how to use it, but most importantly it looks at what it is really for and how it can make your life easier. Mutation testing is a once obscure development technique that dates back to the 1970s. Faults (or mutations) are …