Software Testing and Software Quality Assurance Videos

Software Testing and Software Quality Assurance Videos and Tutorials: Unit Testing, Functional Testing, Load Testing, Performance Testing, Test Driven Development

Advanced Topics in Programming Languages: JSR-305: Java annotations for software defect detection

This talk will describe the current status of JSR-305, Java annotations for software defect detection. This JSR will define several standard Java annotations for properties such as @Nonnegative and @Nonnull that can be used to document your design intentions in a way that be interpreted by multiple software tools (such …

Story Driven Modeling with Fujaba: Turning Scenarios into Automated Tests

Story Driven Modeling (SDM) is a systematic software development approach based on scencario analysis on model level. Usual text book approaches start with the derivation of a domain level class diagram from textual requirements specifications. This does not work. Class diagrams structure programs not your domain. Thus SDM proposes to …