Software Testing and Software Quality Assurance Videos

Software Testing and Software Quality Assurance Videos and Tutorials: Unit Testing, Functional Testing, Load Testing, Performance Testing, Test Driven Development

What to Test and When

Now that unit testing and test-driven development have hit the mainstream, more and more companies are beginning to embrace these agile practices. What isn’t always clear is which practice is most useful in which scenario, and how alternatives like state-based testing and non-automated human-tester activities can be used most cost-effectively. …

Crawljax – A Tool for Automating Web Application Testing

Crawljax is a tool for crawling any AJAX/GWT application. It uses WebDriver to navigate through the different states of a web application. With plugins and invariants Crawljax can be used to perform various automated tests. For example: security testing, regression testing, accessibility testing, performance testing, cross-browser testing… [youtube rYAO94GnBlY]

Measure in Milliseconds: Performance Tips for Google Web Toolkit

Google Web Toolkit (GWT) allows developers to build highly optimized, fast AJAX applications. GWT allows developers to code in the Java programming language using their favorite IDE tools, then cross-compile that source into plain JavaScript to be served just like any other webpage script. We’ll take a look at some …