Do I Have to Test the Frontend Too?
Software testing is important in software development, right? Your project can’t be run unless all your unit and integration tests are written (and pass), but are you also testing the front end?
Functional Testing Tutorials and Videos
Software testing is important in software development, right? Your project can’t be run unless all your unit and integration tests are written (and pass), but are you also testing the front end?
As software developers and QAs, we are concerned about to create add test coverage for our API’s through unit and integration tests using mocks to support a better strategy and removing dependencies.
Experimentation and quick feedback is the key to success of any native Android & iOS apps, while of course software testing is used to ensure a good quality product with new and better features and that is being shipped out at a decent / regular frequency to the users.
You have built your 12 Factor Microservices application and all tests pass with 95% coverage. Looking good, right? Then you deploy to production, and kapow! Rollback! What happened? Well, your tests all passed but you never tested the endpoints.
Testing on Android is slowly becoming more approachable. With AndroidX Test, you can use a single test API to run your instrumentation tests either on your mobile device, or on your computer using Robolectric. This is great, so how do you start? Learn how to use AndroidX Test and Espresso …
UI Test Automation is notorious for stability issues. UI automation is almost synonymous with “Flaky Test”. This presentation discusses taking a proactive strategy towards test automation flakiness as opposed to a reactive approach where we look at failures and then decide the course of action.